lauantai 4. helmikuuta 2012

Double mitten

The size is about the size of a adult woman. I made these mittens around 2007 and gave them away as a present. Somehow I never took a picture of them when they where ready, nor measured the gauge. So, this is definetly a try-as-you-go -pattern. Good luck! Please contact me on Raverly when you are ready! :)

(Ohje suomeksi tässä.)


- yarn, sock or sport weight (in the pictures Linie 157 Tessa)

- 5 DPNs to mach yarn, I used 3mm

- 4 big safetypins and a darnig needle


CO - cast on

st./sts. - stitch/stitches

K - knit

M1 - lift bar between sts. and knit it through the back loop

K2TOG - knit 2 stitches together

SSK - Slip first and second stitches separately as if to knit. Slip back onto left needle, knit together.

YO – yarn over
* - repeat 
BO – bind off

Left hand mitten

Make sure you bind off the yarn ends as you advance, it will be more difficult towards the end. Last chance to do it is before you start the outer thumb.

The inner mitten

Cast on 12 stiches and divide them on two needels so that every second st goes to needle 2. Knit 1 round – the first round might be very tight. If you like you can try "Judys magic cast on" - it´s a great way to start all toe-up or tip-up -projects.

Round 2: *K1, M1, K4, M1, K1*,

Round 3: K

* Keep on making more stiches:

On 1. needle K1, M1, K

On 2. needle K, M1, K1

On 3. needle K1, M1, K

On 4. needle K, M1, K1

K 1 round.*

Repeat *-* untill you have 48 stihches. Divide the st. on 4 needles when it is convenient.

Knit 36 rows. You have now reached the thumb. Knit 1 st from 1. needle and slip 7 st. on a safetyneedle. Turn the mitten and purl back to the safetyneedle. Turn again and knit to the safetyneedle. Make 10 st. (you should now have 51 st.) and knit int he round for 36 more rows. You have now reached the cuff.

Make one row of eyelets: * K2TOG, YO * - or - purl one row. Knit one row.

Outer mitten

Make 2 st, for example one on each side of the wrist. This will make the outer mitten just a little bigger then the inner one.

Knit untill you have 36 rows. You have now reached the thumb.

Knit 1 st. from the first needle, slip 12 st. to the safetyneedle for the outer thumb. Turn the mitten and purl back to the safetyneedle. Turn again and knit to the safetyneedle. Make 8 new st. (You should now have 51 st.) And knit in the round for 36 rounds. You have now reached the final decreases of the mitten. Here it is still easy to weave in yarn ends on the backside of the knit.

Decrease pattern:


On 1. needle K1,SSK, K...

On 2. needle K until 3 st left, K2TOG, K1

On 3. needle K1,SSK, K...

On 4. needle K until 3 st left, K2TOG, K1

K 1 round.*

Keep on decresing untill you have 12 st. Divide the sts. On to two needles, the palm side of the mitten on one, the rest on the other. * Knit the first sts. from each needle together. Do the same to the second sts. BO by sliping the frist knitted st. over the second. * Pull the yarn throug the last st. and BO by weaving in the yarn end as invisibly as possible.

Inner thumb

Pick up 20 sts. aruond the thumb (including those 7 st. on the safetyneedle ) and divide them on three needles. Knit 19 rounds. Decrease from each neele untill there is 6 sts. left. BO by pulling the yarn throug all the sts. twice.

Outer thumb

This is the last chance to weave in the yarn ends on the inside of the mitten. After this you can´t reach them. Turn the inner mitten inside the outer mitten. The length of the outer thumbs depends on the yarn, the needles and your style. So, this is the try-as you-go -part of the pattern.

Pick up 23 sts. aruond the thumb (including those 12 st. on the safetyneedle ) and divide them on 4 needles. Knit about 20-22 rounds. Try the mitten on. Decrease from each neele untill there is 6 sts. left. BO by pulling the yarn throug all the sts. Twice and weaving in the yarn end as invisibly as possible.

If it feels necessary you can fasten the inner and outer mittens to each other with a few invisible stiches. On the other hand – if its not needed you can use them as they are, and if they get wet pull them apart for quicker drynig!

The right hand mitten is knit mirroring the pattern. The sts. for the thumbs are picked up from the end of the 2nd needle, so that one last sts is left on the needle.

If you want the mittens to be more water- and dirt-repellent, you can treat them with lanolin. You find it in shops selling cloth nappies/diapers and wool soakers.

Variations: You can knit the inner mitten with a softer yarn, merino wool, alpaca or wool-silk for example. Try to find yarns of the same weight.

Smaller mitten with ribbed cuff and different thumb.
Inner yarn merino (blue), outer sock yarn (orange).

You can make the cuff longer and more snuggly fitting by making a K2 P2 ribbing for 36 rows, starting at the wrist some 20 rows after the inner thumb. (Try-as you-go!) After ribbing knit 6 rows before the row of eyelets. Knit 6 rows and continue the ribbing for 36 rows. Knit some 20 rows and do the outer thumb.

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